Damien Rougier made this animated music video with all his love for synth pop, scifi, japanime and architecture…
Did you notice the easter eggs ?
Starwars / Robespierre / Shimizu Pyramid / David Bowie…
Influences : Blade Runner / Akira / Tron / Flashback (french video game) / Schuitten and Peters / A Scanner Darkly /
Techniques : Rotoscopie / After Effects / Photoshop / Logic 9 / 3D /
Synthetizers : Yamaha DX7 / Roland D50 / Korg Polysix / Korg R3 /
Light At Your Window LP 12 tracks (2015) : damienrougier.bandcamp.com
ClientOrbital ProductionsServicesPost-ProductionYear2015Linkdamienrougier.bandcamp.com